Okay, so by now, it is officially confirmed that Steve Carell will be leaving The Office and season 7 will be apparently his last gig. I would say that I was not totally surprised by Steve's decision to leave the show. After all, this guy has been hitting it big in the box office with recent films like Date Night and Despicable Me and I'm betting his soon-to-be released Dinner for Schmucks will make a lot of Benjamins as well. So, I think it's just fair for him and for us to let him move on to other opportunities and to greater heights. It would be a little bit sad though because I, and the rest of world who grew to love this incompetent but big-hearted boss, could not imagine what The Office would be like without Steve. Sure, there's always gonna be Rainn Wilson and Ed Helms who are just as funny as hell but Carell as office boss Michael Gary Scott, has always been the heart of the show. I mean, did any of you remember that episode where Angela told Michael that her cat died and with utmost disbelief, Michael asked, "Sprinkles?". I cried laughing because apparently, it was only Michael who remembered the cat's name (everyone in The Office finds Angela's devotion to her cats totally freaky) and that to me, established the fact that Michael, inept as he is in management, deeply cares for his staff to the point that he would make an effort to memorize the names of their pets. That to me, is sweet and priceless.

Nonetheless, we have to accept the inevitable fact that Steve will be departing and I'm glad that NBC is letting Carell go. Sometimes, I'm a bit turned off by actors/actresses who demand salaries that are as over-bloated as their egos when renewing their contracts. Steve, smart guy that he is, knows when to stop.
Now that the new season will be starting, I'm really excited how the writers will show Michael's exit and how he will ever get to be with his one true love, Holly Flax. And who's going to take over Michael's job? Honestly, I would like it to be either Dwight (No.1 salesperson, people!!) or Cornell-dude Andy because he's the most similar to Michael in terms of character and Ed Helms never fails to make me laugh. Still, I'd go to whomever the writers choose and I'd bet we'd all be surprised when they eventually reveal the new boss. On the other hand, I'll certainly be amused if they choose resident creepy-crawly Creed Bratton. LOL!! :-)
Indeed, I'll definitely miss Michael Scott. Heck, I've now "befriended" him in Friendster and I soo hate that freaking social networking site. I've even started re-reading the Scranton Newsletter, specifically Michael's hilarious rants against long-suffering HR Rep, Toby Flenderson. For now, I think I'm just gonna enjoy Carell's last season and let his Michael do what his Michael does best, annoy and drive people crazy. :-)
Michael: "What is wrong with these people? They have no willpower. I once went 28 years without having sex. And then again for seven years."
Michael: When I discovered YouTube, I didn't work for five days. I did nothing. I viewed cookie monster sings chocolate rain about 1,000 times.
Michael: The company has made it my responsibility today to put an end to 100,000 years of being weirded out by gays.
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