Friday, October 29, 2010

Raindrops Keep Falling On Their Heads: Dr. Champ Recap/Review (Episodes 9-10)

Only six more episodes to go and we still do not have the faintest clue where this show is heading to. As T writes in the comments section, "I have no idea where they are going with this story and sometimes, I do wonder if The Powers That Be know either.  When it comes to romance, it's been sort of a merry-go-round with A loves B loves C loves D and on they go."  Truer words were never written.  

Indeed, there are still numerous loose threads which need to be addressed and issues to be resolved.  Nonetheless, Dr. Champ's style and verve knit the show tightly together, making it unpredictable and addictive.  Similarly, the character dynamics make you more intrigued with their byplay and with who ends up with whom.  Plus, it's also nice that the writers are still giving us a lot more back stories as we get to know each character intimately.    

Where were we?  Right.  Park Ji Heon looks deep in Kim Yeon Woo's eyes and reaches at the recesses of her heart, "I like you." Crazily, yo!  Yeon Woo is speechless and befuddled.  Finally, she reiterates what he said to her during that crazy night at the beach, "Liking someone who likes someone else is is the stupidest thing."  "But haven't you already moved on?" he insists.  She opens her mouth to respond but Judo Boy stops her.  "Just wait, I'll go to you," he promises. He leaves with a silly grin in his face.

Casa de Lee.  Mopey time!  You know how it's so weird and scary when someone stares at you while you're sleeping? Anyway, Kang Hee Young recognizes her old picture with the medical director, lying strategically on his study table.  He wakes up and gets all cranky towards her, telling her to vamoose pronto.  But before she does, the coach asks him why he still keeps their old picture around.  "I didn't keep it.  I just didn't throw it away," he lies.  Okay, now that it's all settled, will someone please burn that effing picture already???? And then we get more reaction-formation feewings from Lee Do Wook as he shows Hee Young the front gate.

Yeon Woo's cribs.  The doctor cannot get some shut eye and Judo Boy texts her : U cAnt Sleep Cuz I tOld u I lyk u, cAn u?  Hmm, kinda presumptuous of him, don't you think?  Ji Heon, just how on earth can Yeon Woo ever sleep if you keep texting her?  Yeon Woo, put the darn phone on silent mode already!!

Taereung parking lot.  Yeon Woo spots Do Wook getting out of his car and she gets all flurried and awkward.  She sinks lower and lower in the driver seat, hoping the medical director doesn't see her and when she finally gets up, she catches him looking quizzically at her through the car window.  LOL!

The new athlete; Go bum who apparently took Ji Heon's place, struts his loud crazy vehicle and parades his arrogant ass attitude to everyone in Taereung.  Gosh, I can't wait for the day Ji Heon or Sang Bong punches him in the junk.

We get the first interaction between Doo Wook and Ji Heon and it's far from friendly, what with Judo Boy projecting all kinds of icy cold, mind rays of death towards the director's general direction.  After his interview, Ji  Heon finally asks Do Wook, man-to-man, what his feelings are for our girl, "What do you think of Dr. Kim Yeon Woo?  Do you like her?"  

Do Wook ponders for a second and then answers, "Kim Yeon Woo, she's honest to a fault and inflexible.  She has no sense of humor, bad taste in clothes, and can't wear make-up well."  At this revelation, the athlete gets all excited, "I know, RIGHT?  She's not your type, RIGHT?" Do Wook seems to sense Ji Heon's infatuation with Yeon Woo but chooses to give him a hard time instead, "On the contrary, she's the type I like.  I hate a doctor who's so into adorning herself that she doesn't do her job right." :P

Team judo leaves the "To The World, Be The Best" building and Ji Heon comes across them.  He clearly misses his old buddies and is visibly upset.  Yeon Woo decides to give our athlete a ride home and he educates her on Judo Olympics 101.  So basically, there are three rounds in order to qualify for the Asian Games.  Ji Heon didn't win the first event because Yeon Woo had his leg incised.  Ergo, he needs to win the next two rounds in order to qualify for the Nationals.  The doctor is concerned, "Aren't you afraid your leg won't heal in time?" and Ji Heon, for the first time in his 29 years, delivers words of wisdom, "I do not think about tomorrow.  I only think of what's right now."

Later that night, Do Wook and the Vice President attend Project Runway.  They meet with some reporters and the doctor answers their questions with all the smarmy sarcasm he can muster.  Hee!  Shoot, here comes this drama's dementor; Kang Hee Young.  Quick, run for cover before she feeds off all human happiness and... she sits.  Too late!  The coach spouts off some spiels regarding Korea's Michael Phelps.  Okay Cha Rye Yun, do your thing while I play Minesweeper over here.  Hee Young's ex-hubby arrives and he and Lee Do Wook battle it out with who can project the most ugly, icy, hostile stare without blinking.

Lobby.  Hee Young's ex asks if she and Do Wook are back together and the doctor fires - they're trying to make it work.  (Uhm Tae Woong, in the words of Rihanna, I love the way you lie! Haha!) When he leaves, Hee Young huffs and grapples to put on her best angry expression which looks more like a  sad, pouty puppy.  Her flat and vacuous delivery makes listening to on-hold phone messages exciting.  "That stunt you just pulled made me more pathetic,'" she exclaims furiously.  "Don't try to do that again!"  She blah blahs a bit more but all I could hear is someone reading the phone book.  Do Wook then gets all sappy as he tells her that he's way better than her loser of an ex-husband and he can make her a million times happier.  Okay, someone give me a scalpel so I can perform an emergency lobotomy or a brain transplant on Lee Do Wook. 

Uhm Tae Woong, as much as I love you, I'm starting to detest your character now.  I don't get him.  He's supposed to be intelligent and all, but he's clearly pushing the self-destruct button with all that stupid, sentimotional crap he's wallowing himself into.  The two exchange longing, meaningful stares and I thought I might die from all the kitschy melodrama.  Fortunately, the VP has his uses, "Interview!"

God knows we need more of Ji Heon's and Sang Bong's bromance because their friendship is one of the few things that prevents this drama from sliding into a soulless and acerbic ride in the whaambulance.

Clearly, our boy misses Sang Bong and he doesn't wanna miss a thing.

 Next day.  Our two physicians head to a soccer field and meet one of Do Wook's old friends who turns out to be a soccer coach for kids.  The doctors go on field work assessing and interviewing adorable 7-year old soccer players.  I always get delighted whenever I see our two doctors putting their heads together, even in simple cases such as this, and I hope they give us more of these scenes in the future instead of the usual melodrama drivel they've been shoving in our throats.  Having kids as their clients, in lieu of the usual bunch of arrogant athletes, is a refreshing change for both Do Wook and Yeon Woo.  The latter even attempts a go at soccer but ends up falling clumsily.  The director sees all this and snickers.  I think someone needs a banana more than that kid.  Happiness abound whenever Kang Hee Young is out of the picture.

Car.  The positive and happy atmosphere suddenly grows cold and dark when the wet blanket calls Do Wook.  Furious and hurt at the fact that the director is using her to make the dementor jealous, she gets out of the car and tells Lee that he can drive his butt home.  Lee is astonished and hurt.  You got pawned, senor!  Haha! Aja girlfriend!  Yeon Woo, I know how much you're crushing on your boss, but I think it's about time that you stop following all his demands like an obedient sock puppet and start standing up for yourself!  So, bravo! 

Casa de Kim.  Of course, who does our girl meet at the driveway but Ji Heon?  He asks her to spend a fun-filled day with him and celebrate because his knees are getting better. Oh man, it's scenes like these that make me want to skip classes and play laser tag.  I envy these people!  Ji Heon ends the day by casually insinuating that since they've already visited a lot of rooms; PC rooms, DVD and karaoke rooms; he thinks their next stop should be Yeon Woo's.  :P Ji Heon, subtle isn't your middle name.  Unfortunately for him, Yeon Woo does not hear these words.  A guitar displayed in a music store catches her attention. She misses her dad who used to play guitar.

Revelations! It seems like Ji Heon is indeed the cause of his brother's untimely demise. Ah, why do they have to end this happy, happy day with this painful discovery?

Lee's Fortress gets invaded by the dementor.  Ach! Ach! The medical director and the swimming coach take a walk to remember around the park.  I love the colors of autumn, (sigh).  Hee Young pleads for the medical director to bury the hatchet, to start over, and to rekindle their friendship.  He tells her he's all over the hate and resentment but he can't decide if he wants to get rid of them.  This is so confusing but whatever, Lee Do Wook.  You look so cute on that green sweater, anyway.  So I forgive you and your messed-up feewings.

Meanwhile, Yeon Woo and Ji Heon start an exercise program.  More back stories!  So, our favorite athlete hasn't always been the good boy whom we think he is. He tells her his sad, sad story and almost tears up as he relates to her the last dying words of his brother.  The mood gets all sentimental and the doctor breaks it by asking about his leg.  Ji Heon then asks Yeon Woo not to "do anything" with the medical director until he comes back to Taereung.  Okay Ji Heon, those jealous vibes are totally choking me to death. 

Next day.  Ma-ma-mah way. One step, wah, wah, wah way. Two step, wah, wah, wah way.  

Super Junior is so sweet.  He happily informs Yeo Woon that her treatment of his ankle injury paid off -- he got the bronze.  Yippee!! Lee doesn't exactly say it, but he's proud of our home girl.  He then insists that she attend Ji Heon's Judo event.

Uncle-nephew bonding moments.  Why is Enya singing in the background?  Ji Heon and his guyliner summon the Force -- let's do this thing!  Judo Boy gets a call from Yeon Woo.  She delivers him the wonderful, honeysuckle news, "See you tomorrow at the competition!"  He dashes towards her house and gives her bunny ears his present -- the guitar she's been eyeing the previous day.  Sweet!  But next time, you know better Yeon Woo, try eyeing something that's a bit more expensive; like a Blahnik or a Luis Vuitton bag. Haha! I keed!  Yeon Woo yells "Good luck!" at him and those words and are all lovely music to our boy's ears.  I fall in love with you!

New Episode.  Our lovestruck athlete reminisces the previous night's events in the locker room and he just couldn't stop himself from grinning stupidly.  Ah, young love.  Sang Bong enters and the boys decide to take a vacay after the competition.  Ji Heon suggests Jeju Island.  Sang Bong counters,  "Is this some kind of honeymoon?  Should we just go the beach?" and Judo Boy whimpers, " But it's so cold.  Why the beach?"  Haha!  They sound like an old married couple!

Taereung Olympic Hospital.  An athlete fractures his tail bone and Do Wook literally sticks a finger up the poor man's ass.  Wahahaha!!!!

The good doctor spots Ji Heon outside.  She compliments him and adds that he's so far from his goofy, noisy self when he's competing.  He teases her, "You have totally fallen for me!" :P  The doctor gets a call from Do Wook and Ji Heon's Spock ears turn green with envy.  The director inquires about the competition and congratulates both of them.

Sang Bong vs Go Bum.  Go Bum fights dirty and headbutts Sang Bong.  He's bleeding! Foul!  Someone give me a hatchet!  I'm so gonna kill this guy!  Sang Bong wins the match anyway and Go Bum is totally pissed.  Ji Heon is worried about his bro but refuses to see him.  "If my heart gets weak, I cannot compete in the match," he tells Yeon Woo.  Awww... 

Hee Young and the head nurse take a brisk walk and the coach confides to her how Do Wook is making her bleak existence bleaky and making her achy heart achy.  Blah, blah, blah.  She asks the nurse regarding her opinion about the possibility of reigniting the Do Wook/Hee Young ship and the nurse immediately snaps, "Yes. I'm against it." -- the heavens will rain fire and brimstone the moment you two get back together.  Mope mope mope.  

Later in the afternoon, the nurse also gives the medical director a piece of her mind -- "Do Wook, what exactly are you thinking?"  You became this insufferable, emo-angsty bastard because of Hee Young, remember??!!  I'm so loving this nurse right now.  

More sentimental pathos courtesy of the medical director.

Yu Sang Bong and Park Ji Heon finally face off.  They have an incredibly intense fight, reaching the top of their limits until finally, Ji Heon manages to hold Sang Bong, and slams him on the floor, head first.  Ooof!  Ji Heon is tiumphant!  As Judo Boy basks in the warm glory, Sang Bong starts to hyperventilate.  OMG OMG OMG!  Yeon Woo immediately rushes the athlete to the nearest hospital.  

While awaiting the results of Sang Bong's tests, Yeon Woo gets a call from Judo Boy.  He is all hunched up in a dark corner of the locker room, shivering like a frightened poodle.  Ah, poor thing.  The director arrives at the hospital.  Yeon Woo explains the nature of the accident and tells him that the athlete might have fractured his spine.  Ji Heon zombie walks out of the locker room.  He wants to visit Sang Bong but his coach stops him -- he needs to attend the awards ceremony.  Otherwise, his medal will be forfeited.  

After the awarding, Ji Heon hurries to the hospital and overhears the surgeon informing the two physicians about the results of the surgery.  It seems the procedure went well and the athlete's life is saved but he has to remain a paraplegic for the rest of his life.  Ji Heon is completely shocked and devastated at this dreadful tragedy and he bolts out of the place.  Run Ji Heon, run!

Judo Boy tears up as his mind recollects all the wonderful, dorky broments he has had with Sang Bong that might never happen again.  My heart breaks!

The two physicians perform an all-nighter as they await for more news regarding Sang Bong.  Both are equally distraught and physically exhausted.  Do Wook apologizes for having let Yeon Woo witness this horrible event but she remarks that her shock is nothing compared to the pain and loss athletes have to go through.  The director concurs and as he leans his head on his cane, I'm pretty sure his thoughts quickly drift down memory lane.  Sad, sad day for everyone!

Medical board meeting.  The Vice President wants someone to pay.  He blames the accident on Park Ji Heon and the medical director defends our athlete aggressively.  While doing so, he opens up about his past and shares some of his deepest secrets and most intimate failures and pains.  He does not paint a pleasant picture of himself but his intentions are to show that no injured or broken athlete is out for blood.  Aww...I want to give Do Wook a super hug!  For Pete's sake, will somebody love this doctor, already?

Parking lot.  Hee Young wafts out of nowhere, like a ghostly apparition.  She offers to drive Do Wook home and she's all very kind to him, making him a salad, etc. etc.  As she prepares to leave, the doctor grabs her hand,  "Stay here.  Today... This once."  Hee Young freezes.  OKAY, JUST WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, DO WOOK????

Finally,  Ji Heon answers his phone.  "I want to see you.  I'm afraid," he whimpers to Yeon Woo.  The doctor demands to know where he is but he doesn't answer and drops the call.  Yeon Woo yells, "Park Ji Heon! Park Ji Heon!" 

Whew!  DENSE EPISODES and the aftermath is pretty heavy.  I'm completely pooped and my poor, broken heart bleeds for Sang Bong. :(((((

Next week, Lee Do Wook and Kang Hee Young suck face, go out to dinner, and have other WTF moments.  I think I'm gonna be sick.  Ugh! 

At any rate, I hope you all have a SPOOKTACULAR HALLOWEEN guys and take it slow with the candies!  

Have a great weekend everyone!  Again, thanks for reading. :)

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Everybody Hurts, Sometimes Everybody Cries: Dr. Champ Recap/Review (Episodes 7-8)

Boo Hoo!!!  Somebody call the whaaambulance! Because that's what we get for the majority of these two episodes.   Everyone's tear ducts are going into maximum overdrive and emotions are at an all-time high --except for Kang Hee Young, of course.  It has been established since the first episode that Cha Ye Ryun's swimming coach is incapable of having more than one emotion.  Those big round eyes of hers have two expressions:  open and close and she can't act to save her life.  Lucky for her, she's pretty so I don't mind if she pops out every minute or so in my screen, like those annoying GIF images.  More than five minutes, and I'll be screaming bloody murder!  Seriously, it's quite -- no make that VERY, painful to watch her.  She's as mechanical and stiff as a decade-old carburetor, and when she delivers her lines, it sounds like she's reading a blender's instruction manual.  Oh, aigoo!  

As you know, I've been hoping since day one that this series would present us with exciting medical conundrums, engrossing hospital story lines, and action-packed medical drama; ala ER, House, even Scrubs -- you know those scenes where a victim is placed on a gurney and while being wheeled in the ER, the doctor gets on top of him and performs compressions.  Nonetheless, I've sort of given up on that hope a little bit.  Do Wook and Yeon Woo are in Orthopedics, so they're basically just going to deal with muscles, tendons, sprains, and broken bones.  Furthermore, since their clients are exclusively athletes, their work would naturally just revolve around sports-related injuries and rehab which is kind of a little... dull.  Anyway, I'm still hoping that some exciting thing will happen in Taereung and our doctors would have to deal with other medical issues aside from athletes getting high on Gatorade or suffering from torn ligaments.  On to the show...

We open to Lee Do Wook and Kang Hee Young having their intense heart-to-hearts.  The medical director reveals that he still has lingering feelings for Hee Young.  Kim Yeon Woo hears this part of the conversation and pained at this revelation, she immediately leaves.  The doctor also reveals that he initially wants to get his revenge and make Hee Young's life miserable, but he soon realizes that revenge is boooring and the only thing he knows for sure is that he did not come to Taereung for her.  Ouch!  With these sharp words, Do Wook leaves and now I have to agonize watching five seconds of Hee Young's mopey moments.  Nope, that phony anguish with that bland expression isn't going to move me one bit, coach.

Yeon Woo agrees to go for a walk in the beach with Park Ji Heon.  Deducing that the doctor is upset over her unrequited love to the medical director, Ji Heon offers, "Liking someone who likes someone else is the stupidest thing you can do."  Yeon Woo concurs and Ji Heon self-fives, YESSS!  He then takes out a balloon lantern and tells the doctor to make a wish.  Suddenly, it rains and the lantern falls to the ground.  K-drama metaphors! This relationship is sooo doomed (?).  The two get drenched and Ji Heon blames the sudden downpour to Yeon Woo, "You must have wished for something weird.  Did you, perhaps, wish for it to go well with the director or something?"  :P  They seek shelter on some shed and of course, he takes off his jacket and gives it to her.

Sleeping time.  Ji Heon, you sick, little pervert!! Yuk yuk!

Next day, Yeon Woo decides to do some autumn cleaning and to return some of the medical director's books.  Of course, Hee Young also chooses this time to visit Do Wook.  Yeon Woo spots the two of them talking at the front gate.  Hurt, she slowly backs off.  

The coach thinks its high time to finally put the cards on the table.  She tells Do Wook that the reason why she left him is, GET THIS, because she cannot for the life of her, imagine spending eternity with a paralyzed boyfriend.  She cannot see herself cleaning his bedpans, changing his linens, assisting him in ambulation, etc.  She reasons that if Do Wook was in her position 14 years ago, he would also do the same; "If something like that happened to me, what would you have done?  Would you have stayed by my side for the rest of your life?  Don't treat me like a sinner anymore."  Sheesh, what a passive-aggressive, shallow, selfish prick!  "You should have told me that over the phone," Do Wook said, his voice cold as steel. 

Ji Heon and Yeon Woo go out to eat and during the meal, the doctor tells Judo Boy that she wishes to regain the trust of her patients.  She also goes on about how she will do whatever it takes to be good at her job and how there are more important things to deal in this world other than love.  All this talk about her job seems to bore Ji Heon to death but he bolts upright at the mention of the word "love".  Like the doctor, Judo Boy is also willing to do anything to please Yeon Woo, even putting an entire hard-boiled egg into his mouth, and eating it messily.  Hee!

Parking lot.  Brand new SUV --nice!  The medical director catches Yeon Woo slumped over the steering wheel on her car, seemingly spaced out.  They exchange morning pleasantries.  Do Wook quickly senses her apprehension and tells her that he's worried about her.

Geez, will we never run out of awkward moments? Awkward dinners, awkward meetings in elevators, awkward photoshoots?

Judo Boy meanwhile, starts a campaign to have Yeon Woo's athletes return to her care.  Super Junior is the first in line as Yeon Woo begins to rebuild her cred.  She texts Ji Heon, "The balloon must have worked!"   The medical director is also delighted with this development and he tells the medical board that it's about time that all this bad rep and rumors about Kim Yeon Woo die down, dammit!   

Back at the dojo, some jerk in a motorcycle nearly runs over Sang Bong.  Turns out that the Harley-riding jerk is a new member of Team Judo and he and Ji Heon battle it out during practice.  The latter injures his ankle and his ego as Go Bum (that's the jerk's name); arrogantly remarks after their spar, "There's nothing special about the national team."  What a douche!  Our favorite athlete gets treated at the medical center and Yeon Woo sadly informs him that he needs to stop practicing Judo for six weeks. Aww, poor Ji Heon.

Do Wook visits Yeon Woo's office and they discuss doctor-y stuff.  He suggests that they celebrate her victory (of having patients again) with a dinner, but she respectfully declines.  Hmm, is she over him?  All signs, including the schmoopy instrumental love song in the background, shout a resounding NO!  He leaves and closes the door.  Nonetheless, after a few seconds of pondering, Yeon Woo changes her mind and decides to run after Dr. Lee and to have that blasted dinner already; but she stops short at the door.  Ah, conflicting emotions abound.  Darling you gotta let me know.  Should I stay or should I go?

Missed dinners with Do Wook: 2

Ji Heon receives some good news.  The coach tells him that he'll be competing in Macau in place of Sang Bong.  Judo Boy is as extremely happy as a 10-year old who has received his first Xbox; and setting aside all concerns for his ankle, he gives himself a pep talk, "Park Ji Heon, you can do it!".  He then comes up with a plan to mask the pain in his leg by massive doses of painkillers, icing, and taping; "Wrap everything tightly so the tendon doesn't break and I can't feel anything."  Sang Bong is concerned with his bro but Ji Heon is adamant.

Cut to Kang Hee Young and her dilemmas.  Her number one athlete is being investigated for having high amounts of ephedrine in his urine.  This drama's Michael Phelps fervently denies the allegations of doping but since his primary care doctor is MIA, the medical board wants Do Wook to help them with this mess.  The director rejects their pleas including Hee Young's, even rudely telling her to display her tear-filled puppy-dog eyes somewhere else.  Oh, snap! :P  Again, we get five seconds of Hee Young's super-mopey time.

Later that night, Yeon Woo receives a mysterious call.  She then goes to a bar and her caller; a bartender, points to the passed-out drunk figure of the medical director in a nearby corner.  She drives him home and wakes him up.  He blinks, completely dazed and disoriented.  Uhm Tae Woong, you're so cute when you're drunk.  The doctor gets out of the car.  He falters and almost falls; but Yeon Woo supports and holds onto him -- in an almost barnacle-like manner if you ask me.  Hee!  Kenny G. in the background.

Ha!  It's amazing how the tables have turned.  Now it's Do Wook who's wasted and being stooopid.  He gets all weepy drunk and Yeon Woo gets a peek at the medical director's soapbox as he cries about his woes and troubles; "Do you know how pathetic I am?  I'm so pathetic."  He suddenly throws his glass and cries his heart out; "Why do I keep holding onto the past? Why? Why? Why?"  In Korean, "Wae? Wae? Wae?"  Tsk.  This is one poor, damaged, and broken soul who'll be having one heck of a nasty hangover tomorrow. 

Rocky ringtone.  Judo coach meets with Park Ji Heon and informs him that he's going to be kicked out of the team.  The coach tells him that he cannot risk having an injured athlete in the competition.  Ji Heon is close to tearing up as his pleas fall on deaf ears.  He leaves the building, shocked and angry.  Foreboding background music.  Ji Heon then sees Yeon Woo and he runs after her, grabs her shoulder and yells; "What did you do?  What exactly did you do?"

New Episode.  Park Ji Heon continues with his yell-a-thon,"What did you do?"  Kim Yeon Woo is shocked at this sudden outburst, "What are you talking about?"  He then produces his medical records and informs her that he got kicked out of the Olympic Village.  "You destroyed my dream.  You ended my athletic career,"  he exclaims.  "Until I die... you will not be forgiven."  He storms out, sits in a dark corner, and ponders his grim fate.  His nephew calls.  One whaaaburger with a side of french cries and a small Dr. Whimper, please.

Team practice.  Hooah!  The coach informs his athletes that Ji Heon has been expelled from Taereung due to his injuries.  Everyone can see how unfair this dismissal is and Sang Bong is clearly pissed.   

Rocky ringtone.  Sang Bong calls his bro, "How can you leave without telling me?"  "If I told you, you would have given me a goodbye party," Ji Heon answers sarcastically.  LOL! I love, love these two guys!  And to show how much he misses Ji Heon, Sang Bong's sad gaze lingers at the empty bed beside him.

It seems like our medical director had a change of heart while nursing his hangover this morning.  He agrees to help Korean Michael Phelps' case.  After an interview with the athlete, he orders Yeon Woo to search for any evidence of doping activities in the athlete's room.  Again, that's sooo House.  She brings over some of  the athlete's personal stuff, including his nasal spray, to the medical director.  She can't help but ask, as casually as she can muster, if his sudden change of mind is all because of Kang Hee Young.  He stops, then stares at her, "Dr. Kim Yeon Woo, do you like me?"  She gives him an astonished look, "Wha?"  Do Wook explains, "That seems like a question a woman who likes me would ask because she's jealous." WAHAHAHA!  She gets all flustered and to ease her embarrassment, he quickly retracts his insinuation. :P

Park Ji Heon travels back home and tells his nephew that he was sent home to have some much needed R&R.  Okay, what's with the harsh words, dongseo?

Upon Sang Bong's suggestion, Yeon Woo studies Team Judo's medical records, and discovers that Ji Heon was never wanted by the coach in the first place.  Furthermore, Ji Heon's injury is being used as a lame excuse to kick him out of the team.  Yeon Woo's adrenaline pumps like crazy and she dashes to the medical director's office.  He stands up, "Did you cause another accident?"  Wicked sense of humor! LOL! Yeon Woo tells him about her predicament and Do Wook tells her to wisen up and instead of spitting in the wind, she should do what doctors are supposed to do -- treat their patients.  Smart words.  I like how Do Wook is fast becoming Yeon Woo's mentor -- the Batman to her Robin, the Yoda to her Luke, the Mr. Miyagi to her Karate Kid I.

That night, Yeon Woo proceeds to Ji Heon's house just as he and his nephew is about to go out for dinner.  He tells her to leave but she invites herself to a meal anyway.  She sincerely apologizes to Ji Heon about the whole incident and admits that she is really worried about him.  That stops him dead on his tracks and he ponders over the meaning of her words.

Swimming pool. Hee Young finally gives some of her attention to the other non-winnable athletes, including that girl who keeps calling Ji Heon "butt".  She asserts that all athletes are equal and they are all important in her eyes. Swimmer girl stares at her, bewildered -- Geez coach, what have you been drinking this morning?  No seriously, look at her face.  Speaking of swimmer girl, she goes to Yeon Woo's clinic and lashes out at her, "Do you know that we had  been coming to you because Park Ji Heon told us to? "  And if it weren't for him, you'd still be sitting at your desk, playing Plants vs. Zombies the whole day!

Yeon Woo decides to talk some sense to Judo Boy.  She gives him an envelope containing a rehabilitation exercise program that will help heal his leg quickly.  He tells her to forget it, but she insists that this is in return for the fake patients he has been giving her -- "We'll call it even."  He ignores the envelope but that night, he pours over its contents. 

Olympic Committee Hearing.  The medical director arrives at the eleventh hour and informs the committee that the Korean Michael Phelps has been using nasal sprays.  That would explain the high levels of ephedrine in his urine and consequently proves that he has NOT been taking illegal drugs to amp up his performance.  The athlete is saved.

Another ordinary day at Taereung.  The medical director inquires about our home girl's case and when she gives a "meh" reply, he tells her to give up.  However, Yeon Woo has been acclimatized by now to Do Wook's weird antics and she knows that the doctor is being sarcastic.  Lee is amused.

Guess who's coming to dinner (again)?  Do Wook and Yeon Woo.  Everyone praises the medical director but the Vice President remarks that he does not look too well.  Lingering shots of concerned looks from the faces of the la-dies.  Yeon Woo sees Lee grasping tightly at his cane.  He stands up and excuses himself.  Hee Young can't help but notice the sincere apprehension and concern written all over Yeon Woo's face.  Hmm... is there a love rival in her midst? 

The female doctor rushes inside and sees the director hunched over with pain and barely able to stand.  He asks her to take him home.

Lee's Fortress of Solitude.  Yeon Woo helps him to his bed and gives him his painkillers.

Of course, she has to see Do Wook and Hee Young's, shiny happy people picture.  

Doorbell.  Yeon Woo steps out to answer it and sees Hee Young.  The swimming coach wants to thank the medical director for his help during the hearing.  My, my, Yeon Woo, aren't we a bit possessive?  Hee hee! The female doctor has a change of heart and tells Hee Young that she can go see him.  "You like him don't you?" the coach asks, referring to Do Wook.  Yeon Woo nods, "Yes."  But she adds, "It seems the person he needs isn't me.  It's you."  She then leaves Hee Young and drives home with tears in her eyes, bravely taking in all the unbearable pain of genuine loss and heartbreak like the gutsy girl that she is.  :((((((((((((

When she arrives home, she finds Ji Heon at the driveway.  He tells her that he will accept her treatment plan and will do whatever it takes to qualify for the competition.  He takes a step towards her and looks deep in her eyes, "I like you."  Truly, madly, deeply.       

Hoo boy! As I've written in my first paragraph, man oh man, these episodes pack an emotional gut punch.  Seriously, my brain can't take anymore emo-angst wallop.  It feels like being whacked in the head with several DVD copies of City of Angels.  

Anyhow, it looks like we're in for a happy treat next week as Yeon Woo and Ji Heon go out on their first fun-fun-fun date(?) and our girl gets all awkward around Do Wook now that she's finally admitted to herself that she likes him.  I will sorely miss Sang Bong and Ji Heon's bro-ments since they're not teammates anymore and Ji Heon has to start (again) at the bottom and exhaust all his efforts to qualify (again) for the Nationals.  We're also getting glimpses of Ji Heon's past.  Why do I get the uncomfortable feeling that Ji Heon is somehow the cause(?) of or otherwise, connected to his brother's death?

And Kang Hee Young, I've pretty much given up all hope on this character.  She's useless and she sucks all  the happy energy and light out of the room.  Honestly, those brain-eating monsters in Zombieland have much more personality than her.  But who knows, maybe she'll surprise us?  

As for the love triangle, well I'm still wooting for Team Do Wook/Yeon Woo (Go, fight!!).  Nonetheless, as long as they give Uhm Tae Woong more awesome screen time, I'm okay with whatever OTP the writers have in store for us.  It would also be great if they could delve on the mentor-apprentice relationship that's fast happening between our two physicians.  And yeah, writers, more MEDICAL ACTION please.  If Do Wook or Yeon Woo so much as performs colonic irrigation or an emergency tracheotomy on someone, I'll be as happy as a bean.